Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Valuable Lesson

During the last few days at the cafe we have been making so many changes. We are trying a grinder timer on our Robur espresso grinder where after dialing in for the day, it was recommended that the barista make adjustments on the time to regulate flow rate as opposed to grind. This is a little backwards from what I have learned in the past. I have also been trying to get comfortable with using a bottomless portafilter. There are so many reasons to switch from spouted but of course the main one should be that the shots taste better. That should be the goal with any changes one makes to his/her espresso routine. Well by the end of my shift today I was over-caffeinated from tasting so many shots and frustrated that I could not get an amazing shot with all of these new improvements. I realized the importance of only changing ONE variable at a time. I couldn't focus on mastering one thing at a time and instead ended up chasing espresso shots up and down the block. Note to self: Slow it down there Turbo.

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