Sunday, July 15, 2007

Coffee Blog!

Well I have gone and done it. I have taken the next step to coffee geekdome and started a coffee blog. Welcome to Jitterville! I work as a Barista and as the Executive Coffee Inventory & Freshness Inspection Specialism Administrator at Cafe Grumpy in NYC. I started this in order to strengthen the network of coffee gurus, baristas, Grumpsters, growers, green buyers, roasters, cafe owners, cuppers, enthusiasts, experts, wannabe experts, drinkers, and my mom so she thinks I am doing something important in NYC. Viva Jitterville!
(BTW I am at the moment, enjoying a wonderful French press of Guatemala Finca Nueva Armenia...Deeeelish!)


Unknown said...

you're a dork!

AJohansen said...

Hello, I live in Brazil where I run a gourmet coffeeshop. I am considering opening a store in NYC, but would appreciate to have some information about the perception of americans have about brazilian coffee grains?