Friday, September 7, 2007

Coffee Party!!!!

Hey Coffeeheads! Over too many shots of espresso today, Mike White of Gimme! and I decided that it would be a good idea for the Grumps, the Gimme!s and anyone else in the coffee industry to get together for some end of summer fun and beverages. We will be getting together on September 17th at Spuyten Duyvil @ 359 Metropolitan Ave. in Brooklyn @ 8pm. This is a great opportunity for a whole lot of fun and hob nobbery with some of the coolest people in the world...Coffee Professionals, duh! Caroline can I have the night off? Maybe the next morning too? Peace up, word out. Mike and I will arm wrestle for the 2007 East Coast Barista Heavy Tamper Arm Wrestling Semifinal Competition Title. Not really, he would win anyway. See you there!


Unknown said...

last night at spuyten duyvil, tahir took home the arm-wrestling AND the thumb-wrestling crown. beware the snake-finger.

riot said...

Hey! I can't find your email addy on your web page so I'm hoping you'll see this comment. I'm the uber-geeky guy whose friend works at Novo. Now I'm going to dive into your blog...


Anonymous said...





